Lab News

Braelei receives prestigious scholarship

Braelei was selected as the recipient of the Janet Richens Wiesner Honors College Scholarship for Undergraduate Women in Science for 2016-2017. This is one of the most prestigious awards given by the Honors College at Oregon State University, entailing a $2,500 scholarship and recognition at end-of-year college events. Way to go Braelei!

FLIR video for murrelet project

FLIR just released a YouTube video that highlights our project that is using unmanned aerial vehicles to located cryptic Marbled Murrelet nests in late-successional conifer forests. Check out the video here.



Cheryl joins the FAEL

Cheryl Horton has joined the lab group as an Faculty Research Assistant working on the Marbled Murrelet Breeding Ecology Study. Cheryl brings prior experience working with colonial-nesting seabirds to the lab, as well as research with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service studying threatened shorebirds. Welcome Cheryl!

Ph.D. Assistantship on Marbled Murrelet breeding ecology

The FAEL is accepting applications for a Ph.D. Assistantship focused on the breeding ecology of the Marbled Murrelet. The student filling this positon will be involved with field research aimed at improving our understanding of Marbled Murrelet nesting ecology and breeding habitat requirements, with implications for the conservation of this species in Oregon and beyond. See the Opportunities page for details.

The FAEL is hiring for summer 2017

The FAEL has 20 positions open for field work during summer 2017 for projects focused on Marbled Murrelets and native bees. Detailed position descriptions and directions for submitting applications can be found on the Opportunities page.

Sara brings home 1st place at OPA research symposium

Sara's poster presentation earned her 1st place and a $100 cash prize at the OSU Postdoc Research Symposium among heavy competition from across varied disclipines all across campus. Sounds like those last-mintue revisions really paid off!

Lindsay joins the FAEL

Lindsay Adrean has joined the lab group as an Faculty Research Assistant on our Marbled Murrelet study. She spent several years with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife working on avian predation issues and implementing the Oregon Conservation Strategy, and most recently completed a research fellowship studying waterbirds along the coast of Sonora, Mexico.  

Welcome to Sara and Joe!

The Forest Animal Ecology Lab has added two new postdocs. Sara Galbraith comes to us from the Univeristy of Idaho and is starting a project evalutating how native bees and their pollination services in forests are influenced wildlfire and postfire salvage logging activities. Joe Northrup just finished up at Colorado State University and is going to be leading research on the spatial ecology of Marbled Murrelets in western Oregon. Welcome to you both! 



Jim elected Fellow of the AOU

Jim was selected as a Fellow at the 133rd stated meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union (AOU) in Norman, Oklahoma this past July for his outstanding contributions to the field of ornithology and service to the AOU.

Amy makes the cover of the Oregon Stater

Amy was interviewed for a story about the McDonald Forest published in the latest issue of the Oregon Stater. Very nice!
