*Former/current student or postdoc
53. *Ortega, J., Bush, S Segura, C. & Sullivan, P. Dynamic storage and geomorphic features regulate hydrologic connectivity and drive spatial patterns in stream chemistry. In Review. Hydrological Processes.
52. *Ortega, J., Segura, C., Brooks, J. R. & Sullivan, P. Insights into heterogeneous streamflow generation processes and water contribution in forested headwaters. In Review. Hydrological Processes.
51. *Maffia, M., Swartz, A., Segura, C., Warrren D. Contrasting apex predator responses to experimentally reduced flow and increased temperature in a headwater stream. In review. Ecosphere.
50. *Lazo, P.X., Mosquera, G.M., Cárdenas, I., Segura., C, Crespo, P. Spatial and temporal factors influencing high-temporal frequency hydrograph separation during variable flow conditions in a tropical montane catchment. In review. Hydrological Processes.
49. Golden, H.E., Christensen, J.R., Hilary McMillan, H., Kelleher, C.A., Lane, C.R., Husic, A., Li, Li., , Ward., A.S., ammond, J., Seybold, E.C., Jaeger., K.L., Zimmer, M., Sando, R., Jones., C.N., Segura, C., Mahoney, D.T., Price, A.N., & Cheng., F. Advancing the Science of Headwater Streamflow for Global Water Protection. Nature Water.
48. *Maffia, M., Segura, C., Lorion, C., Suring., E., Warren D. (2024) Restoring streams with large wood: An analysis of geomorphic changes 7 years post-restoration in small coastal streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–18. Available from:
47. *Villamizar S., Segura, C., & Warren, D. Using stream dissolved oxygen and light relationships to estimate stream primary production on mountainous headwater streams ecosystems. Ecohydrology, e2699.
46. Macchioli Grande, M., Kaffas, K., Verdone, M., Borga,Cocozza, C., Dani, A. Errico, A., Fabiani, G., Gourdol, L., Klaus, J., Manca di Villahermosa,F.S., Massari, C., Murgia, I., Pfister, L., Preti, F., Segura, C., Tailliez, C., Trucchi, P., Zuecco, G., Penna, D. Seasonal meteorological forcing controls runoff generation at multiple scales in a Mediterranean forested mountain catchment,Journal of Hydrology, Volume 639, 2024, 131642,
45. *Lazo, P.X., Mosquera, G.M., Cárdenas, I., Segura., C, Crespo, P. A simple mixing model using electrical conductivity yields robust hydrograph separation in a tropical montane catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 639, 131632. doi:
44. *Miralha, L., Segura, C., & Bladon, K. D. (2024). Stream temperature responses to forest harvesting with different riparian buffer prescriptions in northern California, USA. Forest Ecology and Management, 552, 121581. doi:
43. Butler, Z., Good, S., Haagsma, M., Segura, C., & Hu, H. (2023). Relationship between isotope ratios in precipitation and stream water across watersheds of the National Ecological Observation Network. Hydrological Processes, 37, e15018. doi:
42. *Miralha, L., Wissler, A. D., Segura, C., & Bladon, K. D. (2023). Characterizing stream temperature hysteresis in forested headwater streams. Hydrological Processes, 37(1), e14795.
41. *Lazo, P. X., Mosquera, G. M., Cárdenas, I., Segura, C., & Crespo, P. (2023). Flow partitioning modelling using high-resolution electrical conductivity data during variable flow conditions in a tropical montane catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 617, 128898. doi:
40. Segura, C., Penna, D., Borga, M., Hissler, C., Iffly, J. F., Klaus, J., Latron, J., Llorens, P., Marchina, C., Martínez-Carreras, N., Pfister, L., & Zuecco, G. (2023). Comparing hydrological responses across catchments using a new soil water content metric. Hydrological Processes, 37, e15010. doi:
39. Johnson, K., Harpold, A., Carroll, R. W. H., Barnard, H., Raleigh, M. S., Segura, C., et al. (2023). Leveraging groundwater dynamics to improve predictions of summer low-flow discharges. Water Resources Research, 59, e2023WR035126.
38. *Wissler, A. D., Segura, C., & Bladon, K. D. (2022). Comparing headwater stream thermal sensitivity across two distinct regions in Northern California. Hydrological Processes, 36(3), e14517.
37. *Goodman, A. C., Segura, C., Jones, J. A., & Swanson, F. J. (2022). Seventy years of watershed response to floods and changing forestry practices in western Oregon, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, n/a. doi:
36. Warren, D. R., Pett-Ridge, J. C., Segura, C., Kaylor, M. J., & Heaston, E. D. (2022). Extreme drought conditions increase variability of nitrate through a stream network, with limited influence on the spatial patterns of stream phosphate. Biogeochemistry, 160, 243-258.
35. *Cargill, S. K., Segura, C., Villamizar, S. R., & Warren, D. R. (2021). The influence of lithology on stream metabolism in headwater systems. Ecohydrology, n/a, e2284. doi:
34. *Crampe, E. A., Segura, C., & Jones, J. A. (2021). Fifty years of runoff response to conversion of old-growth forest to planted forest in the H. J. Andrews Forest, Oregon, USA. Hydrological Processes, 35, e14168. doi:
33. Heaston, E. D., Segura, C., & Warren, D. R. (2021). Do Electrofishing Activities Disrupt Stream Biofilm Standing Stocks? An Assessment from Two Headwater Streams in Western Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, n/a. doi:
32. Segura, C. (2021). Snow drought reduces water transit times in headwater streams. Hydrological Processes, 35, e14437. doi:
31. *Fratkin, M. M., Segura, C., & Bywater-Reyes, S. (2020). Lithology, channel geometry and bed sediment in mountainous streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45: 2365–2379.
30. Monsalve, A., Segura, C., Hucke, N., & *Katz, S. (2020). A bed load transport equation based on the spatial distribution of shear stress – Oak Creek revisited. Earth Surf. Dynam., 8, 825-839.
29. *Pate, A. A., Segura, C., & Bladon, K. D. (2020). Streamflow permanence in headwater streams across four geomorphic provinces in Northern California. Hydrological Processes, 34, 4487-4504. doi:
28. Segura, C., Bladon, K. D., Hatten, J. A., Jones, J. A., Hale, V. C., & Ice, G. G. (2020). Long-term effects of forest harvesting on summer low flow deficits in the Coast Range of Oregon. Journal of Hydrology, 585, 124749. doi:
27. *Bair, R. T., Segura, C., & Lorion, C. M. (2019). Quantifying Restoration Success of Wood Introductions to Increase Coho Salmon Winter Habitat. Earth Surf. Dynam. Discuss., 2019, 1-19.
26. Bladon, K. D., *Bywater-Reyes, S., LeBoldus, J. M., Keriö, S., Segura, C., Ritóková, G., & Shaw, D. C. (2019). Increased streamflow in catchments affected by a forest disease epidemic. Science of the Total Environment, 691, 112-123. doi:
25. Segura, C., Noone, D., Warren, D., Jones, J. A., *Tenny, J., & Ganio, L. (2019). Climate, landforms, and geology affect baseflow sources in a mountain catchment. Water Resources Research, 55, 5238– 5254.
24. Ward, A. S., Wondzell, S. M., Schmadel, N. M., Herzog, S., Zarnetske, J. P., Baranov, V., Blaen, P. J., Brekenfeld, N., Chu, R., Derelle, R., Drummond, J., Fleckenstein, J., Garayburu-Caruso, V., Graham, E., Hannah, D., Harman, C., Hixson, J., Knapp, J. L. A., Krause, S., Kurz, M. J., Lewendowski, J., Li, A., Marti, E., Miller, M., Milner, A. M., Neil, K., Orsini, L., Packman, A. I., Plont, S., Renteria, L., Roche, K., Royer, T., Segura, C., Stegen, J., Toyoda, J., Wells, J., & Wisnoski, N. I. (2019). Spatial and temporal variation in river corridor exchange across a 5th order mountain stream network. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2019, 1-39.
23. Ward, A. S., Zarnetske, J. P., Baranov, V., Blaen, P. J., Brekenfeld, N., Chu, R., Derelle, R., Drummond, J., Fleckenstein, J., Garayburu-Caruso, V., Graham, E., Hannah, D., Harman, C., Hixson, J., Knapp, J. L. A., Krause, S., Kurz, M. J., Lewandowski, J., Li, A., Martí, E., Miller, M., Milner, A. M., Neil, K., Orsini, L., Packman, A. I., Plont, S., Renteria, L., Roche, K., Royer, T., Schmadel, N. M., Segura, C., Stegen, J., Toyoda, J., Wells, J., Wisnoski, N. I., & Wondzell, S. M. (2019). Co-located contemporaneous mapping of morphological, hydrological, chemical, and biological conditions in a 5th order mountain stream network, Oregon, USA. Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss., 2019, 1-27.
22. Bladon, K. D., Segura, C., *Cook, N. A., Bywater-Reyes, S., & Reiter, M. (2018). A multicatchment analysis of headwater and downstream temperature effects from contemporary forest harvesting. Hydrological Processes, 32, 293-304.
21. *Bywater-Reyes, S., Bladon, K. D., & Segura, C. (2018). Relative Influence of Landscape Variables and Discharge on Suspended Sediment Yields in Temperate Mountain Catchments. Water Resources Research, 54, 5126-5142.
20. McDonnell, J. J., Evaristo, J., Bladon, K. D., Buttle, J., Creed, I. F., Dymond, S. F., Grant, G., Iroume, A., Jackson, C. R., Jones, J. A., Maness, T., McGuire, K. J., Scott, D. F., Segura, C., Sidle, R. C., & Tague, C. (2018). Water sustainability and watershed storage. Nature Sustainability, 1, 378-379. doi: 10.1038/s41893-018-0099-8.
19. Hatten, J. A., Segura, C., Bladon, K. D., Hale, V. C., Ice, G. G., & Stednick, J. D. (2018). Effects of contemporary forest harvesting on suspended sediment in the Oregon Coast Range: Alsea Watershed Study Revisited. Forest Ecology and Management, 408, 238-248.
18. *Katz, S. B., Segura, C., & Warren, D. R. (2018). The influence of channel bed disturbance on benthic Chlorophyll a: A high resolution perspective. Geomorphology, 305, 141-153. doi:
17. *Mosquera, G. M., Segura, C., & Crespo, P. (2018). Flow Partitioning Modelling Using High-Resolution Isotopic and Electrical Conductivity Data. Water, 10,
16. *Bywater-Reyes, S., Segura, C., & Bladon, K. D. (2017). Geology and geomorphology control suspended sediment yield and modulate increases following timber harvest in temperate headwater streams. Journal of Hydrology, 548, 754-769. doi:
15. *Nickolas, L. B., Segura, C., & Brooks, J. R. (2017). The influence of lithology on surface water sources. Hydrological Processes, 31, 1913-1925.
14. Bladon, K. D., Cook, N. A., Light, J. T., & Segura, C. (2016). A catchment-scale assessment of stream temperature response to contemporary forest harvesting in the Oregon Coast Range. Forest Ecology and Management, 379, 153-164. doi:
13. *Mosquera, G. M., Segura, C., Vaché, K. B., Windhorst, D., Breuer, L., & Crespo, P. (2016). Insights into the water mean transit time in a high-elevation tropical ecosystem. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2987-3004.
12, Pace, K. M., Tullos, D., Walter, C., Lancaster, S., & Segura, C. (2016). Sediment Pulse Behaviour Following Dam Removal in Gravel-Bed Rivers. River Research and Applications, n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1002/rra.3064.
11. Caldwell, P., Segura, C., Gull Laird, S., Sun, G., McNulty, S. G., Sandercock, M., Boggs, J., & Vose, J. M. (2015). Short-term stream water temperature observations permit rapid assessment of potential climate change impacts. Hydrological Processes, 29, 2196--2211.
10. Segura, C., Caldwell, P., Sun, G., McNulty, S., & Zhang, Y. (2015). A model to predict stream water temperature across the conterminous USA. Hydrological Processes, 29, 2178-2195. doi:10.1002/hyp.10357.
9. Segura, C., & Pitlick, J. (2015). Coupling fluvial-hydraulic models to predict gravel transport in spatially variable flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 120, 834–855. doi: doi:1002/2014JF003302.
8. Segura, C., Sun, G., McNulty, S., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Potential impacts of climate change on soil erosion vulnerability across the conterminous United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 69, 171-181. doi: 10.2489/jswc.69.2.171.
7. Sun G, Segura C. 2013. Interactions of forests, climate, water resources, and humans in a changing environment: Research Needs. British Journal of Environment & Climate Change. 3(2)
6. Segura, C., Lazzati, D., & Sankarasubramanian, A. (2013). The use of broken power-laws to describe the distributions of daily flow above the mean annual flow across the conterminous US. Journal of Hydrology, 505, 35-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.09.016.
5. Segura, C., James, A. L., Lazzati, D., & Roulet, N. T. (2012). Scaling relationships for event water contributions and transit times in small-forested catchments in Eastern Quebec. Water Resources Research, 48, 10.1029/2012wr011890.
4. Segura, C., McCutchan, J. H., Lewis, W. M., & Pitlick, J. (2011). The influence of channel bed disturbance on algal biomass in a Colorado mountain stream. Ecohydrology, 4, 411-421. doi: 10.1002/eco.142.
3. Segura, C., & Pitlick, J. (2010). Scaling frequency of channel-forming flows in snowmelt-dominated streams. Water Resources Research, 46, W06524-W06524. doi: 10.1029/2009WR008336.
2. Segura, C., & Booth, D. B. (2010). Effects of Geomorphic Setting and Urbanization on Wood, Pools, Sediment Storage, and Bank Erosion in Puget Sound Streams1. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 46, 972-986. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00470.x.
1. Pitlick, J., Mueller, E. R., Segura, C., Cress, R., & Torizzo, M. (2008). Relation between flow, surface-layer armoring and sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 1192-1209. doi: 10.1002/esp.1607
Book Chapters
2. Nelson M, Gosnell H, Warren DR, Batavia C, Betts MG, Burton J, Davis E, Schulze M, Segura C, Friesen CS et al.. 2017. Enhancing Public Trust in Federal Forest Management . People, Forests, and Change: Lessons from the Pacific Northwest.
1.Pitlick, J., Mueller, E. R., & Segura, C. (2012). Differences in sediment supply to braided and single-thread river channels: What do the data tell us? In: Gravel Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments, Church M. A., Brion P., & Roy A. H. (eds.) Wiley and Sons, Chichester, pp: 502-511.